23 Aug 2015
The topic of work-life balance comes up a lot in a startup. The myth is, people are made to think that if you get more time with your family, you will achieve the balance and the company is a “balanced” place to work. Any company that proudly claims that their employees leave at 5pm means one of two things
If you would like to grow, you shouldn’t be working in that company. Work-life balance is a state where you are able to enjoy your work and hence, your life. It is the responsibility of the company to ensure you are given challenging stuff to do, to invent a new way of doing things in your industry. When you enjoy your work, there is a state of peace which allows you to enjoy your time with family and every other part of your life.
Work at a place where you are driven by the curiosity to know what your actual potential is and changing the world for the better.